Certificaciones y capacitación en normas ISO

Auditoría, implementación y cursos sobre normas internacionales.

Excelente servicio y satisfacción garantizada.


IFC Certificaat

La misión de IFC Certificaat es proporcionar a nuestros clientes y a la sociedad la confianza de que los materiales, productos y procesos que auditamos y certificamos cumplen con los más altos estándares de seguridad, calidad y sostenibilidad, alineados con los requisitos normativos vigentes.


Convertirnos en la empresa de certificación más confiable y respetada a nivel global, reconocida por nuestra excelencia y compromiso con la calidad.

Desde el año 2016, ofrecemos servicios de certificación y auditoría a empresas de diversos sectores y tamaños, adaptándonos a las necesidades específicas de cada cliente. Nuestras auditorías son realizadas por un equipo de auditores altamente competentes y experimentados del Grupo IFC Certificaat, quienes acumulan una amplia experiencia en distintos países e industrias.

Nuestra fortaleza radica en la combinación de profesionalismo, conocimiento especializado y una comprensión profunda de las condiciones, necesidades y desafíos comerciales a nivel global.

Los valores de IFC Certificaat son:

  • Fomentar una cultura organizacional de apoyo y crecimiento continuo.

  • Mantener el profesionalismo como base fundamental en la prestación de nuestros servicios.

  • Impulsar constantemente la competitividad a través de la mejora continua y la innovación.

Expertos en certificación y auditoría

En IFC Certificaat, ofrecemos auditoría, implementación y capacitación en normas internacionales, asegurando certificaciones de calidad para organizaciones de diversos sectores desde 2016. Descubre nuestros servicios personalizados.

A group of people is engaged in a training session in a conference room setting. A presenter is standing and holding a sheet of paper, addressing the group seated at a round table. The attendees are actively listening, and there's a banner in the background advertising UX training. The room is well-lit, with a flipchart visible at one side.
A group of people is engaged in a training session in a conference room setting. A presenter is standing and holding a sheet of paper, addressing the group seated at a round table. The attendees are actively listening, and there's a banner in the background advertising UX training. The room is well-lit, with a flipchart visible at one side.
Impulsamos estándares internacionales
Formación y capacitación continuas

Brindamos cursos y seminarios sobre requisitos de normas y auditorías internas, tanto en nuestras oficinas como de manera remota, adaptándonos a las necesidades de cada cliente y sector.

Servicios de Certificación

Ofrecemos auditoría, implementación y capacitación en normas y estándares internacionales para diversas industrias.

Cursos de Formación

Realizamos cursos y seminarios sobre requisitos de normas, auditorías internas y otros temas relevantes.

A group of eight people is standing indoors on a wooden floor, each holding a certificate. They are dressed in formal or semi-formal attire, including suits and dresses. Behind them, there are banners related to a conference and photography equipment like lights.
A group of eight people is standing indoors on a wooden floor, each holding a certificate. They are dressed in formal or semi-formal attire, including suits and dresses. Behind them, there are banners related to a conference and photography equipment like lights.
Certificación Internacional

Brindamos certificación internacional a organizaciones de diferentes tamaños en múltiples normas ISO desde 2016.

Auditorías Internas Efectivas

Mejore su sistema de gestión con nuestras auditorías internas especializadas y personalizadas para su organización.
A group of people are gathered in a conference room, engaged in a UX training session. Two women are seated at a table with laptops, participating in the training. A large poster on the wall advertises UX Indonesia and a UX training series. Papers with diagrams are taped to the wall, and various electronic devices and cups are on the table.
A group of people are gathered in a conference room, engaged in a UX training session. Two women are seated at a table with laptops, participating in the training. A large poster on the wall advertises UX Indonesia and a UX training series. Papers with diagrams are taped to the wall, and various electronic devices and cups are on the table.
A large group of people standing in an auditorium. The room is well-lit with natural light streaming in from tall windows. The attendees appear engaged and are either looking down or focused on something in front of them. The seating consists of rows of beige chairs, and several individuals are wearing name tags.
A large group of people standing in an auditorium. The room is well-lit with natural light streaming in from tall windows. The attendees appear engaged and are either looking down or focused on something in front of them. The seating consists of rows of beige chairs, and several individuals are wearing name tags.

La certificación de IFC Certificaat ha mejorado significativamente nuestros procesos. Su capacitación es excepcional y el equipo es muy profesional. ¡Altamente recomendados!

Juan Pérez

A group of people is gathered for a sensitivity training session, posing together for a photo. Many are wearing uniform-like attire in brown and yellow, and most are wearing face masks. They appear to be in a conference room with a banner behind them and portraits hanging on the wall.
A group of people is gathered for a sensitivity training session, posing together for a photo. Many are wearing uniform-like attire in brown and yellow, and most are wearing face masks. They appear to be in a conference room with a banner behind them and portraits hanging on the wall.


Proyectos Certificados

Certificación internacional en normas ISO para diversas industrias.

A large group of people are gathered in a conference room for a 'Sensitivity Training' session. Most attendees are wearing face masks. The room is decorated with chandeliers and a large screen displaying the title of the seminar. Attendees are dressed in various colorful garments.
A large group of people are gathered in a conference room for a 'Sensitivity Training' session. Most attendees are wearing face masks. The room is decorated with chandeliers and a large screen displaying the title of the seminar. Attendees are dressed in various colorful garments.
Normas ISO

Auditoría y capacitación en estándares internacionales.

Three people stand close together, each wearing a mask. Two of them hold certificates, and the person in the middle wears a chef's jacket. The background features a blackboard with handwritten text and a kitchen setting.
Three people stand close together, each wearing a mask. Two of them hold certificates, and the person in the middle wears a chef's jacket. The background features a blackboard with handwritten text and a kitchen setting.
A large audience is seated in an auditorium with a speaker on stage. The room is dimly lit, with screens on either side displaying text and graphics related to the topic of management and work. The atmosphere suggests a professional conference or seminar.
A large audience is seated in an auditorium with a speaker on stage. The room is dimly lit, with screens on either side displaying text and graphics related to the topic of management and work. The atmosphere suggests a professional conference or seminar.
A laptop displaying a presentation slide with Spanish text about certificate distribution. Beside the laptop, there is a plastic bottle partially filled with water and a glass bottle. The setting appears to be a meeting or workshop environment.
A laptop displaying a presentation slide with Spanish text about certificate distribution. Beside the laptop, there is a plastic bottle partially filled with water and a glass bottle. The setting appears to be a meeting or workshop environment.
Cursos Ofrecidos

Formación en auditorías internas y requisitos de normas.